please respond to the following discussion post as a peer making a comment. We pick up and use a ton of preconceived assumptions, prejudices, and biases throughout our lives, from birth to adulthood. 

These beliefs and biases are influenced by our parents, our environment at home, and even our education (Wolpert, 2012).

 This is beneficial when there are role models in these settings who are committed to giving the child (ren) a pleasant, secure, and healthy environment. 

Preconceived conceptions, prejudices, and perceptions of different cultures might be taken out of context and applied in a negative way within the workplace, even with the best of intentions (Wolpert, 2012).


The psychodynamic method can be used by a leader to improve employee relationships and teamwork in the following ways:


Workers who receive regular and periodic training are able to be cooperative with others.

When speaking with each person, it’s important to understand their feelings and emotions.

Group discussions and activities should be promoted in a professional manner.

Employee collaboration and engagement can also be further enhanced by using the following four conscious capitalism principles:


Purpose, stakeholder, culture, and leadership are the four pillars of conscious capitalism, which direct businesses in carrying out socially and ethically responsible commercial operations (Conscious Capitalism: A Definition, n.d.).


1. Employees feel a connection to the company’s mission. Due to the fact that their organizations define themselves by their products, many employees lack a clear guiding purpose. Instead, they should emphasize what their products make possible (Conscious Capitalism: A Definition, n.d.).


2. Motivated workers exhibit more originality and inventiveness. That is unquestionably one of the secrets to innovation and an essential element of corporate expansion (Conscious Capitalism: A Definition, n.d.).


3. Specialists in conscious capitalism can produce a happier, more engaged workforce with significantly reduced turnover rates (Conscious Capitalism: A Definition, n.d.).