You have identified a critical need in the software market for a new Address Book application. You will take the opportunity this class presents to start work on the application, leveraging your classmates’ skill and knowledge to make it best in class. Since you are now familiar with the Unified Process you know that you need to begin with the Inception phase and that requires writing some documents. Chapter 4 in Larman, Applying UML and Patterns includes more details.
For this assignment you must write two documents:
Describe your high-level vision for what the application will be.
Avoid focusing on details, technology or business case.
Use Case Model
When complete this would form a complete set of Use Cases for the application.
However, it is not Agile to define 100% of the requirements upfront.
When starting the model in the Inception phase you should include only the title of the use case, or even just a short phrase describing the functionality, followed by a short paragraph describing the behavior.
Each requirement should contain enough detail for someone else to understand what it entails and write a detailed use case for it.
Do not write any detailed use cases that include all the pre- and post-condition elements or the detailed steps and alternatives for each actor. Instead you should include the use case title and a short description of it.
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