The assignment focuses on Socrates understanding of his own wisdom- Early Social Contract Theory. Also, explain how does Socrates understand his own wisdom.

Socrates understanding of his own wisdom- Early Social Contract Theory

Please pick from one of the following topics:

Firstly, how does Socrates understand his own wisdom? Please be sure to include the prophecy given to him from the Oracle of Delphi. How does Socrates view others’ wisdom? Please be sure to include the value he thinks human wisdom has. Socrates claims he has nothing to teach others. Is this an accurate claim? What is your own view with respect to wisdom? Please consider concrete examples. Explain what the ‘Antigone Problem’ is. What might Socrates’ answer be to this problem? Please consider both the Apology and Crito when answering this question. What is your own response to this problem? Why? Please make sure to use concrete examples when giving your response. Socrates states “The most important thing is not life, but the good life.” Please explain what he means here. Is this statement meant to apply to everyone? Consider what exactly the good life is for Socrates.

Socrates understanding of his own wisdom- Early Social Contract Theory

How must he live in order to attain this? Do you think he means for everyone to live as he does? Explain. Do you agree with his version of the good life? Why or why not? Please consider concrete examples. Please explain (early) Social Contract Theory as presented by Socrates, making sure to include explanations of the ‘state’ and ‘consent’. Evaluate his theory, using concrete examples. How does Socrates use this theory to justify his refusal to go into exile, choosing rather to stay and be executed. Please evaluate his application of early Social Contract Theory to justify his decision. Would our current political community be stronger if we took Socrates’ theory seriously? Why or why not? Please consider concrete example

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