This guide has essential information on Social Science Observation and Interpret Certain Results. you can follow it keenly and learn about a brief statement or abstract. So, the reader know what will be discussed (commonly so the reader can decide whether he wants to continue reading it).Thus, For this assignment, you are simply setting a frame of reference for the reader.

Social Science Observation: Interpret Certain Results



Abstract (10 pts)


 An abstract is a brief statement (usually a paragraph or two) that is placed at the beginning of a paper.  So, Its purpose is to briefly explain what the paper is about; thus, it lets the reader know what will be discussed. (commonly so the reader can decide whether he wants to continue reading it). Also, It also sets a frame of reference for the reader if he or she decides to continue.

 Social Science Observation: Interpret Certain Results

            For this assignment, you are simply setting a frame of reference for the reader.


Approximately 100 words

PAGE THREE and BEYOND  [For each section, please begin a new page.]

Observation and Models (20 pts)


In this section simply insert what you are supposed to do for the third homework assignment.  If what you did for that assignment is perfect, all you need do is include it here.  So, if it is not perfect, you need to fix any problems that exist.




Findings and Results (15 pts)

 Social Science Observation: Interpret Certain Results

This section is asking how you would interpret certain results. 


What is the data that you would collect and how does it relate to your research question?  In the previous section, you described critical experiments, but the description may have been somewhat vague.  So, in this section, you are being asked precisely how you would do these experiments.In the above section, you described critical experiments, and you described the data you would collect to do these experiments.  .  

Read more about Social Science Observation: Interpret Certain Results here.

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