The assignment focuses on Social responsibility of MNE-BRICS countries Globalization. So, the paper will focus on what benefits the organisations can achieve by practising Social responsibility at the community.

Social responsibility of MNE-BRICS countries Globalization


1) Firstly, what is the social responsibility of the MNE?* Secondly, what is the state of globalisation today? Thirdly, identify key similarities and differences between the BRICS countries? ➤ Fourthly, Explain how cultural differences can result in conflicts in international business. ➤ Has globalisation led to the demise of the nation state? ➤ In addition, explain the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis of 2008. How is the global business environment currently changing in relation to global environmental degradation?

Social responsibility of MNE-BRICS countries Globalization

➤The opportunities and challenges does technology present for business and, in particular, international business?  Do patents encourage innovation?  What is MNE tax avoidance and why is it of global concern today? Discuss GDP as indicator of social progress. ➤ Also, explain political and legal risk in international business and give examples to illustrate

Social responsibility of MNE-BRICS countries Globalization

In order to understand the nature of the contemporary phase of globalisation, this chapter adopts the economists’ focus on international trade, international investment and international markets from the particular perspective of economic geography. From the standpoint of economic geography, it explores the explicitly spatial and regional characteristics and impacts of contemporary globalisation. The processes of globalisation which are mediated by the foreign direct investment (FDI) behaviour of multinational enterprises (MNEs) or trans-national corporations (TNCs) form a particular focus of this chapter. Impacts of globalisation on the BRIICS countries of Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa are also considered from an economic-geographic viewpoint

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