Social Representations in Social Psychology Paper details: Essay for a master´s course “Theoretical literature in Social Psychology”. Essay should be based solely on a book called “Social Representations – Explorations in Social Psychology” (2000) by Serge Moscovici. Essay should include a short introduction, body and conclusions. The instructions about the content of the essay: 1. Describe the author´s perspective on social representations, 2) Introduce the key themes represented by the author and describe what social representations mean in social science and social psychological research. In the conclusion part you can add some of your critical thoughts about the topic or the book. Instructions for referencing: When referencing a specific part of the book in the text, you should add the author, year and page number like this: “jskdjkwfhrehfroho. (Jahoda 2007, 17.) So if you reference any of the sources mentioned in the book, you should mention them in the text. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide