The paper focuses on Social enterprise and business enterprise-differences and similarities. So,distinguish between social enterprise and business enterprise, and critically assess whether it is possible for social entrepreneurs to seek profit maximisation without diluting the ideology of social entrepreneurship.

Social enterprise and business enterprise-differences and similarities

The essay is on the following question- Distinguish between social enterprise and business enterprise and critically assess whether it is possible for social entrepreneurs to seek profit maximisation without diluting the ideology of social entrepreneurship. Use real life examples to support your arguments. Pieces of advice- Ability to integrate theory and practice is crucial. For instance: o In distinguishing between social enterprise and business enterprise, you need to critically highlight differences as well as similarities, using real life examples of both types of enterprises to illustrate your points. o In assessing whether or not profit maximisation may dilute the ideology of social entrepreneurship, please use real life examples  to demonstrate different sides of the argument.

Social enterprise and business enterprise-differences and similarities

Entrepreneurship is a term loosely assigned to all types of business people and their companies. To be an entrepreneur, you only have to be a few things:

  • Actively developing and/or launching a business.
  • Founding your business for the sake of making money (aka, not a non-profit.)
  • Providing a “better” way of doing things through your products or services.

With these three things in mind, there are at least two different types of entrepreneurships: the business entrepreneurship and the social entrepreneurship. In today’s discussion, define these two types of business models. Also go through three key differences between a social entrepreneurship and a business entrepreneurship.Are you an entrepreneur? What industry are you in, and how do you define your style of entrepreneurship. Also, Many social entrepreneurships seek their first-phases of funding from philanthropists. Although these investors want to see a return-on-investment (ROI).  They’re more likely involved in the business due to its social mission. A traditional, business entrepreneurship usually seeks capital from a venture capitalist firm — and they’re all about the ROI and nothing else.

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