o For Diagnosis,enter1NANDAnursingdiagnosisconnectingtotheassessment(example: Nutrition Imbalanced: Less Than Body Requirements relating to ?? as evidence by ??)


o For Outcomes/Planning, eAQnter 1 outcomes/planning connecting to the assessment. Must be realistic,measurable,withatimeframe.(example:pt’scalciumlevelwillbe???by theendof the shift or in 2hrs or etc)


o ForInterventions,enter3non-pharmacologicalinterventions,3pharmacologicalintervention, and 1 consult referral connecting to the assessment


§ Example:








o ForEvaluation,describetheoutcomesifyourinterventionsaresuccessful. Whatwillyou see if interventions are effective? In addition, describe what you will do if interventions are NOT successful.