The assignment explores Sexual Harassment analysis-Prevention and Corrective Actions. So, support or refute, through critical analysis, various alternatives available for resolving selected ethical problem(s) in healthcare

Sexual Harassment analysis-Prevention and Corrective Actions

Sexual Harassment: Prevention and Corrective Actions.1. Support or refute, through critical analysis, various alternatives available for resolving selected ethical problem(s) in healthcare 2. Apply ethical principals and rules to selected ethical problems in healthcare. Prepare a written summary, analysis, or critical reflection on the topic based on your reading. Use current journals, magazines, newspaper, or website sources for references). Therefore, topic will be about “Sexual Harassment: Prevention and Corrective Actions”Sexual harassment is a broad term, including many types of unwelcome verbal and physical sexual attention. Also, Sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior, often physical, that occurs without the consent of the victim.

Sexual Harassment analysis-Prevention and Corrective Actions

Additionally, Sexual harassment generally violates civil laws—you have a right to work or learn without being harassed—but in many cases is not a criminal act, while sexual assault usually refers to acts that are criminal. Also, you may have heard the term bystander intervention to describe stepping in to help if you see someone who might be in danger or at risk for sexual assault. Bystander intervention can also be a helpful strategy if you witness sexual harassment. You don’t have to be a hero to make a positive impact in someone’s life, and you can intervene in a way that fits your comfort level and is appropriate for the situation. 

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