Leading Sustainability, Innovation and Change


Title for Assignment:

ROLLS ROYCE Consultancy Project Report


Type of Assignment:



Word Count: 4000



Coursework Brief:


PART A : Individual Assignment (3000 words)

This individual report is based on a case study for ROLLS ROYCE which has had business problems during recent years. In essence, the report asks you to explain what the business problem is and how you would advise the client using the structured consulting cycle taught in this module.

There are three key parts to the consulting cycle that we teach in this module, namely sustainability, innovation and change, and the report must focus on how you would solve the business problem using this cyclical process. The process assumes that businesses must consider how to grow sustainably in the future and what innovation and change they must implement to position themselves successfully for this growth.

This process is designed to be flexible and can be applied to a variety of business problems. Moreover, you are encouraged to utilize learnings and tools from other modules in the MBA, wherever you think it is necessary, since real business problems may require a variety and range of different skills and techniques.



Here is an indication of the type of activities and analyses which you can undertake in the report under the three key headings:

  • Sustainability

– Sustainable resource planning


– Stakeholder mapping and research

– Triple bottom line analyses / projections

  • Innovation


– Idea generation / design thinking

– Issue based consulting approach (developing an issues diagram)

– Business model canvas

– Customer insights 

  • Leadership and Change 

– Applying traditional and/or emergent change management approaches 

– Force field analysis 

– Leadership interviews 

– Employee survey / interviews 


Ultimately, the exact analyse which you perform and the tools and models which you use from the module (and from other modules of the MBA) will depend on the nature of the case study problem. You must explain your overall approach to the business problem and justify the data collection and analysis which you have undertaken in the assignment. 



The individual report should adopt the following structure, although the exact section names may be adjusted according to the nature of the cases study problem: 

1. Introduction & Background (Who is the organization and what is the nature of their business, sector and geography? What is the problem presented in the case study? What is the background to this problem?) 


2. Consultancy Approach (How have you approached this problem and what analyses will you undertake (in the next three sections) to help solve the business problem? Are there any issues or limitations which you found that prevented you from achieving a better solution to the problem?) 


3. Sustainability (What are the key economic, social, or environmental sustainability issues for this business? Show any analyses and your findings.) 


4. Innovation (How can this business innovate? What analysis can you undertake to help the business to choose the right way to innovate and create value? Show any analyses and your findings.) 


5. Leadership and Change (How can the business manage the change that is required for this innovation? What is the leadership challenge for this business? Show any analyses and your findings.) 


6. Conclusion & Recommendations (What conclusions have you drawn about the business problem? What can you advise this business to do to solve their problem and improve their situation?) 





PART B: Individual Reflection (1000 words) 

This is a personal report that asks you to reflect on your experience of the module, specifically with relation to the consultancy project and how this has impacted on your personal development. 

Based on your understanding of the module and experience of the consulting project experience, please identify THREE key lessons for your personal development, which you think will be useful for your future career. 

Your reflection must be informed by your experience of working within the consulting project team and your interactions with the client. You may also reflect on any other learnings from the taught content of the module, as well. You may use material from other modules of the MBA to illustrate or back up your reflection (i.e. theories on teams, leadership, culture etc from People & Organisations).