The assignment concentrates on Roles within the health. Besides, there is a description of social care professions.So, Select two other roles within the same area of work and compare and contrast the responsibilities. 

Roles within the health-social care professions

Description of Assignment: Task 1: (word limit: 850 words) As part of your decision regarding your future career as a Midwife. Firstly, you will have considered carefully the different roles within the health or social care professions. Using the role, you have decided upon for your future career; write an informative account for someone who is considering following the same career path to help them make a decision as to whether or not it is the right choice for them. • Select two other roles (professional and/or non-professional) within the same area of work and compare and contrast the responsibilities of those roles with your chosen role. Ensure that you examine a range of common aspects and analyse the difference in responsibilities between each role (e.g. how do the responsibilities for administering medication differ between the roles?). (AC1.1, 1.2) .

Roles within the health-social care professions

Include details regarding the personal skills, qualities and values someone in your chosen role requires. Make sure you are justifying a range and explain why they are important in relation to the role. (AC2.1) Task 2: (word limit: 600 words) All health or social care professionals are part of a larger multi-disciplinary team. As well as having to work within the regulations of their professional body, it is also important that they work as a team and that individuals are supervised. Write a short report which explains the reasons this. • Using the regulatory body, which governs practice in the career you have chosen, explain how they regulate practice and conduct, (make sure you state the full name and acronym of the professional body in the explanation. (AC2.2).

Detailed Instructions


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