The assignment focuses on HRM’s Role in Managing Human- Employment law compliance. Also, demonstrate knowledge regarding the following subtopics of HRM. 

HRM’s Role in Managing Human- Employment law compliance

Role in Managing Human. HRM’s Role in Managing Human Capital Overview Role in Managing Human Capital (HCM) Your SLP assignment continues with the topic of HRM’s  in Managing Human Capital. By the end of the module, you should be able to demonstrate knowledge regarding the following subtopics of HRM: 1. Workplace diversity 2. Employment law compliance 3. Managers role in managing human capital. There is a lot of talk about the importance of companies having a diverse workforce that reflects its customers and the areas in which they located. What does this mean? customers need to contact Customer Service reps, they want to talk with someone that looks like them. For another, they want to contact a person who has compassion for the customer’s situation. Finally, they want to be customers of companies that show concern for their employees and the environment.

HRM’s Role in Managing Human- Employment law compliance

Having a diverse workforce does not guarantee that all customers will talk to someone who looks like them, but chances are higher that they will. It is not lawful to hire someone because of their nationality, but companies do hire people because of their foreign language skills. The companies that do this are those that know and understand the needs of their customer base. When it is important to note, however, that companies cannot restrict their multilingual employees. Either to working solely with customers of just one minority language/ethnicity. comes to compassion for situations customers find themselves in, first understand who the customers are. The customers of HR Departments are the employees! So, what this tells us is that the HR department must show compassion for the various situations in which its employees find themselves. Of course, it goes without saying that federal, state, and local laws must followed above all else.

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