The assignment focuses on Managing Risks in the Assisted Living Facility. Besides, there is also a description of a specific healthcare. So, What are the EXTERNAL factors that affect this issue.

Managing Risks in the Assisted Living Facility

Firstly, the purpose of this paper is to allow you to fully research and better understand a specific healthcare administrative/management/leadership issue. Secondly, that is relevant to your current (or former) workplace and/or healthcare profession. You will research the origins, literature and practical applications of your chosen issue. Thirdly, it should be an examination of an issue that is relevant to operational practice and performance that has a potential solution. Also, from that perspective, your paper should be prepared as if it were an internal consulting report to be presented to your organization’s decision makers. You are to write a paper that details a health care administrative issue that has been approved by the course instructor.

Managing Risks in the Assisted Living Facility

At a minimum, the following components should be included in this paper: Please incorporate AT LEAST the following sections into your paper with a heading for each section: (You are welcome to add as many additional sections/headings as you deem appropriate!) Firstly, title Page (as per example on course shell). Secondly, abstract Page (as per example on course shell). Thirdly, table of Contents (example on course shell4. History of the health care administrative issue that you select (to be approved by the Instructor) 5. Main components or aspects of this issue (be detailed and specific!) 6. What is the national and global impact of this issue? 7. What organizational INTERNAL factors affect this issue (labor, resources, etc.)?

Managing Risks in the Assisted Living Facility

8. What are the EXTERNAL factors that affect this issue (political, social, economic, technological, regulatory, etc.)? 9. How does your issue relate to the learning outcomes of this class? (Please see syllabus). 10. Your assessment of this issue, from your personal perspective (why you chose it) 11. Examples of this issue at it applies in the world today 12. A current literature review of this issue dating back, at least, five years. 

Detailed Instructions


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