Project Part 1 Task 1: Risk Management Plan: Attached document provides the case study and its detailed deliverables.
For the first part of the assigned project, you must create an initial draft of the final risk management plan. To do so, you must:
You Risk Management Plan will contain the following sections:
A section titled Introduction discussing the purpose of the plan. You must include details from the scenario, above, describing the environment. 10 points.
A section titled Scope discussing the scope of the plan. 10 points
A section, titled Compliance Laws and Regulations. Using the information in the scenario provided above, discuss regulations and laws with which Health Network must comply. 30 points
A section, titled Roles and Responsibilities, that will discuss the different individuals and departments who will be responsible for risk management within the organization (this was presented in your textbook). 20 points
A section, titled Risk Mitigation Plan, that discusses the threats identified in the scenario and your proposed mitigations, as well as any new threats.30 points
Write an initial draft of the risk management plan as detailed in the instructions above. Your plan should be made using a standard word processor format compatible with Microsoft Word.
Submission Requirements
All project submissions should follow this format:
Format: Microsoft Word or compatible
Font: Arial, 10-point, double-space
Citation Style: Your school’s preferred style guide
Thanks, please go through the attachment before you start the answers. There are certain “dont’s” that need to be factored before you attempt the assignment. The weightage rubric will give you a fair understanding of how to go about answering this assignment. 

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