This assignment entails a discussion on Critical Infrastructure Protection Strategy Development. There is also a description of  Risk analysis and resource allocation. So, your role within the group is to provide input and recommendations on those specific sectors

Critical Infrastructure Protection Strategy Development – Risk analysis and resource allocation


Please use the attach template and refer to attached example , IUP 4 which is attached needs revised to reflect changes listen in the IUP 4 attachment under instructor comments, and 2 pages added with the requirements below.


Key Assignment


Your instructor has returned your Week 4 Individual Project Key Assignment with comments and suggestions to improve your overall draft. Additionally, you have had the opportunity to discuss and coordinate your Key Assignment with your peers.

Critical Infrastructure Protection Strategy Development – Risk analysis and resource allocation

Below, you are provided a notional setting or scenario for your project. The setting or scenario should assist the group in framing your perspective and shaping your finished product. Your group goal is a recommendation to the local government director of homeland security that addresses the risk analysis and resource allocation of your Individual Project element from Phase 4 into a cohesive risk analysis and resource allocation information and decision support paper combining all team member input.

The desired end state is to prioritize Critical Infrastructure (CI) by risk and accordingly allocate available resources (federal or state) to implement protection-related activities. Your role within the group is to provide input and recommendations on those specific sectors that you addressed within your Phase 4 Individual Project deliverable, to coordinate with the members of your group to develop the concepts and written elements of the paper, and cooperatively develop the common paragraphs of the paper.


Assignment Guidelines

Revise and amend your Week 4 Key Assignment by adding what you learned in the Discussion Board assignments following the task, and take into consideration your instructor’s comments

Detailed Instructions


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