The paper talks about the Right of Pregnant Women to Work in Atlanta, Georgia. So,your attorney asks you to research the issue and draft a memorandum of law. The memorandum should be no less than a three to five page paper, but no more than 1,750 words, double-spaced

Right of Pregnant Women to Work in Atlanta, Georgia

Right of Pregnant Women to Work. Alpha Beta Inc. is a nationwide company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. A company policy prohibits pregnant women from working in their dry-cleaning plants. These jobs  the highest paid within the company. A group of women who want to sue the company come to your law firm. You have legal rights while you are pregnant at work. Besides, These rights can protect you from unfair treatment, make sure your work is safe and give you time off for antenatal appointments. Going through a pregnancy is  a delicate period in life. So, Its a natural process which requires those around you to have a certain level of understanding. For the sake of you and the baby, some changes have to be made at the work place, even after delivery. In some places of work, women are unfairly dismissed from work just for being pregnant.

Right of Pregnant Women to Work in Atlanta, Georgia

These employees don’t want to understand that pregnant women need some time off and that most of them usually resume work as usual. So, Your attorney asks you to research the issue and draft a memorandum of law. The memorandum should be no less than a three to five page paper, but no more than 1,750 words, double-spaced.  In your memorandum, identify if this is a gender-discrimination issue, a pregnancy-discrimination issue, or both. Discuss the issue of paternalism in employment decision-making. Include citations to relevant case law and statutes using the Bluebook citation format.  You need not address the issue of class certification, but only the issue of whether or not the company can legitimately prohibit pregnant women from working in the dry-cleaning plants.

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