Winter Madness” is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of the American television comedy series 30 Rock, and the 69th overall episode of the series. The episode was written by Tom Ceraulo and Vali Chandrasekaran, and directed by Beth McCarthy-Miller. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on January 21, 2010. Guest stars in this episode include Ray Bokhour, Cheyenne Jackson, Kevin Meaney, and Julianne Moore.
In the episode, when head writer Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) decides to take the fictitious show The Girlie Show with Tracy Jordan (TGS) on the road to cure the staff’s case of the winter madness, the anticipated trip does not exactly go as planned. Her boss, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), chooses Boston as the destination and travels with the show in order to visit Nancy Donovan (Moore), and while away from New York, the TGS crew blames Liz for all of their misfortunes. This episode also continued a story arc involving Nancy as a love interest for Jack, which began in the episode “Secret Santa” that aired in December 2009.
“Winter Madness” received generally mixed reception from television critics. According to the Nielsen Media Research, it was watched by 5.585 million households during its original broadcast, and received a 2.8 rating/7 share among viewers in the 18–49 demographic.