Hello class, as the Institute of Medicine stated, by 2020, clinical decisions will be supported by timely, accurate and up-to-date clinical information that reflects the best available evidence. The nurse must implement evidence-based practice since they impact the patients outcome. However, barriers to integrating evidence-based practice hinder the up-to-date evidence in clinical decision-making (Alatawi et al., 2020). Two barriers that hinder the nurses from achieving the goal include organizational and research quality limitations.
Regarding the organization limitation, there are inadequate facilities that can be used as a setting to conduct research study due to the human economic resource restriction. The organizations restricting fiscal resources leads to complexities in integrating research EBP findings that need extra supplies, infrastructure and equipment to endorse EBP (Mahmoud & Abdelrasol, 2019). Research also showed that most healthcare institutions lack libraries, making it difficult for nurses to carry out research evidence. Also, there is a lack of full-text nursing articles or updated books due to the lack of internet in most hospitals that is needed to connect the nurses to databases that contain massive research bodies. To address this issue, organizations have to step up to support EBP. They have to provide economic, fiscal and human resources needed for research.
In discussing the limitation on research quality, one challenge is the long period it takes to publish research (Alatawi et al., 2020). Other nurses face challenges, such as determining the language of research. Other nurses establish research conclusions that are not reasonable, and others find conflicting results due to ineffective communication between the nurse practitioners and the researchers, which is brought by the lack of experience, disparate education and beliefs, lack of motivation and skills in utilization of research (Mahmoud & Abdelrasol, 2019). Further research revealed that most nurses, after their graduation, do not undertake research-associated courses unless those pursuing postgraduate studies. The deficiency in research-associated knowledge makes it challenging for nurses to understand their research methodology and findings (Alatawi et al., 2020). To address this issue, nurses must be trained and motivated to conduct research. Also, more nurses should be encouraged to take research-related courses after graduation to enhance their research understanding and skills.