Reflect on what you have learned over the course of this class.


In a minimum of six paragraphs, address the following:


1. What topic(s) in this course affected you the most?


2. What type of learner are you? How will your learning style fit each of the modalities that WCU offers (face to face/fully online/blended)?


3. What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?

Examples: test-taking, writing papers, conducting research, using APA, time management, staying organized, using technology, understanding assignment instructions


4. How do you plan on accentuating your strengths and working on your weaknesses?


Your paper must include the following in APA format:


Title page

Introduction (one paragraph)

Body (at least four paragraphs, including APA citations of at least one scholarly source)

Double-spaced, 12 point – Times New Roman


Transitions between paragraphs

Conclusion (one paragraph)

Reference page (include at least one scholarly source)