· Create an account on the Red Hat Developers site and download an ISO of RHEL 8.4 (documentation not required)


· Install a Red Hat server with specs that you feel as though your computer will be able to handle to run a Windows Server VM with it (RHEL does not require much in terms of system resources).


· For Package Group Selection, select Basic Server


· Partition your virtual disk as follows:


· 60% /


· 20% /var


· 20% /var/logs


· During installation create a user for yourself and make it a root user


· Ensure your server can connect to the internet and run an update of the system using yum. 


· Shut down the server and attach a small virtual hard disk to the VM. 


· Create a new user group with the name of your choosing- add yourself to that group


· Create a new directory in your user’s directory with the name of your choosing. 


· Mount the entire new virtual drive your created with the entire drive space partitioned to that directory


· set up the network connection and test connectivity to the internet by pinging a public site such as redhat.com


· Attach your Red Hat machine to your Developer subscription using these instructions:  https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2021/02/10/how-to-activate-your-no-cost-red-hat-enterprise-linux-subscription#


· Take a backup of the system using a method of your choosing


· After the backup is completed, see if an update to the Linux kernel is available. If one is available, install. (With all software installs/updates a backup is recommended, but is absolutely critical when doing a kernel update)