Detailed Instructions


1.     Write a reflective essay of 3,000 words (+/-10%) on your learning and development in relation to recruitment and selection as a key element of the HR ‘resourcing’ role.

Quick Response

Recruitment and selection are significant elements of HR. It is the process of identifying potential candidates for available positions within an institution. The process of recruiting entails scrutinizing the applications and choosing the most suitable candidates to help the organization meet its objectives. Recruitment and selection also help HR to establish a strategy using the workforce. The strategy is meant to ensure that every input of the employees contributes to the success of the organization (Mello, 2014). Therefore, HR is expected to conduct screening and shortlisting the qualified candidates respectively. The role of the HR is hence essential in ensuring that the company finds individuals with the capacity of creating the desired team.Do you need Assignment help from is one of the best essay help websites on the internet

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