The assignment describes Ratios and Proportional Reasoning Knowledge. Also, there is a description of Effective instructional Strategy. So, Describe the role of the teacher and the students. 

Ratios and Proportional Reasoning Knowledge – Effective instructional Strategy.

INTRODUCTION. To complete this task, contemplate the progression of student knowledge related to ratios. Also, proportional reasoning across three grade levels. Secondly, you will watch the video “Introduction to Ratios & Proportional Relationships,” then analyze the lesson. Potential modifications will also considered. Using the knowledge gained about the standards and effective instructional strategies. Additionally, you will develop an original lesson plan related to understanding and teaching ratios. And proportional reasoning that incorporates a chosen instructional strategy. Firstly, provide a solution for each problem that demonstrates each step or explains the thinking process involved in determining the solution.

Ratios and Proportional Reasoning Knowledge – Effective instructional Strategy.

Secondly, discuss how the chosen standards and problems build student understanding of ratios and proportional reasoning across the three. K–6 grade levels selected previouslyWatch the “Introduction to Ratios & Proportional Relationships” video and do the following: Thirdly, describe one example from the video that demonstrates how concrete representations used to model the concept of ratios and proportional relationships. Fourthly, explain why the use of concrete representations is an effective instructional strategy. Also, explain how the teacher effectively integrates cooperative learning into the lesson using specific examples from the video. a. Describe the role of the teacher and the students in this lesson using specific examples from the video. 3. Explain how the teacher identifies student misconceptions and redirects student thinking using specific details from the video.

Ratios and Proportional Reasoning Knowledge – Effective instructional Strategy.

4. Explain how the lesson activities and related student conclusions could used to further extend student thinking. C. Prepare to create an original lesson plan on ratios and proportional reasoning by doing the following: 1. Describe an evidence-based instructional strategy that will incorporated into your original lesson plan. a. Explain why the chosen instructional strategy would be beneficial in a lesson on ratios and proportional reasoning using evidence from a credible source to support your selection. D. Using the attached “Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template,” design an original lesson plan for elementary mathematics that addresses the topic of ratios and proportional reasoning. Submit the lesson plan as a separate document from parts A–C.

Ratios and Proportional Reasoning Knowledge – Effective instructional Strategy.

Note: The lesson plan should detailed, complete, descriptive, and reflective. As a general rule, include enough detail so that a non-mathematics substitute teacher could teach the lesson using your plan. 1. In the “Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks” section of the lesson plan template, identify the instructional strategy that selected in part C1 and explain how it incorporated into the lesson. E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Detailed Instructions


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