The assignment concentrates on Rational Choice Theory-explanation of criminal behavior. So, explain in detail why you think this theory does the best job of explaining criminal behavior. Also, discuss the history of the development of the theory.
Rational Choice Theory-explanation of criminal behavior
Rational Choice Theory. Select a criminology theory from any of the theories that you have learned about this semester. You should select the theory you believe is the most valid explanation of criminal behavior. Answer the following questions in your paper. You should use the questions as subheadings in your paper. Explain in detail why you think this theory does the best job of explaining criminal behavior. Discuss the history of the development of the theory. Has the theory been empirically supported? In other words, cite three to five empirical peer-reviewed journal articles that have tested the theory, and be sure to report the findings of these studies.
Rational Choice Theory-explanation of criminal behavior
What policies could be implemented if the theory were to adopted by the criminal justice system? Formatting Instructions Microsoft Word .doc or docx. Also, Include Cover Page 1500 to 2000 words (excluding title page and reference page) Times New Roman Font 12 Point Font Double Spaced 1”inch margins all around Grammar & Presentation Instructions: Should contain headings as per APA formatting style should not contain colloquialism and contractions, should be coherent should be written in proper grammar, include proper in text and references in APA style (only if references are needed). Only one direct quote for 1000 words.
Detailed Instructions
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