The assignment focuses on Race and ethnicity paper -positive or negative role. Furthermore, the concepts of racism, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination are often topics of discussion without much thought as to their precise meaning

Race and ethnicity paper -positive or negative role

Race and ethnicity are terms that are commonly confused in everyday life. Furthermore, the concepts of racism, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination are often topics of discussion.  Without much thought as to their precise meaning. First, discuss in your life how these terms have been used by yourself, friends, and family members.  As well as  how that usage differs from sociological understanding. Second, comment on whether or not these terms have played a role in your life (positive or negative) and in what manner.

Race and ethnicity paper -positive or negative role

Third, imagine that you identify yourself under the label “Hispanic”; given the knowledge presented, how might you respond to the following statement: “But you don’t look Hispanic … !” Fourth and finally, post a response to another classmate’s posting discussing your thoughts in a respectful and thoughtful manner. What stood out to you about their discussion? Can you empathize?

Race is a potent social reality and an important and enduring component of personal identity.In censuses and most surveys, a designation of race is selected by individual respondent from officially specified categories. This self-identification does not mean that race is without objective basis, since it is roughly consistent with ancestral origins. Yet because of the complications of migration histories and intermarriage, as well as the vagaries of self-identification and social categorization, racial classifications diverge from strict classification by descent.Ethnicity is similar in concept to race.  NOTE: Make sure you answer all parts of the discussion question

Race and ethnicity paper -positive or negative role

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