The sequential timeline assignment deals with 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act. Therefore, identify the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States.

1906 Pure Food and Drug Act-sequential timeline assignment


Produce a sequential timeline, identifying the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States. Judicial review of challenges to agency policy statements often turns on whether the agency document is actually a legislative rule. Pursuant to congressionally delegated authority, agencies
promulgate legislative rules that carry the force and effect of law. General statements of policy are not legally binding; rather, they are issued in order to advise the public about the manner in which the agency intends to exercise its discretionary authority.

1906 Pure Food and Drug Act-sequential timeline assignment

While these analytical categories might seem relatively clear, distinguishing between the two in practice can be difficult. Courts often frame the inquiry as to whether the agency has established a binding norm on the public or itself, although a variety of heuristics are applied, ranging from a somewhat formalistic analysis of relevant legal consequences to a more functional focus on a statement’s practical effects. The timeline should begin with the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and end at today’s date. This project may contain a chart, detailing the significant statements and legislation, and should also contain significant narrative explanations.The narrative portion of the project should be at least two full pages of text. The narrative should also contain:

·         A detailed description of the event

  • Also, an assessment of its impact on drug and/or alcohol control
  • public attitudes/responses to the event

Detailed Instructions


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