This is a Psych of Well-Being research paper which analysis  Journal of Happiness Studies. In the review, you should think critically about the topic, being certain to present and discuss published theoretical and empirical research on the topic

Psych of Well-Being- Journal of Happiness Studies

Research Paper

PSY 450, Psych of Well-Being

Goal: In this paper,  read research on a topic of interest and integrate it into a paper. So,  This will both let you get more familiar with work in an area you would like to know more about and let you practice reading and describing research reports 

You should review some research on some well-being (broadly defined) topic of interest to you.  In the review, you should think critically about the topic, being certain to present and discuss published theoretical and empirical research on the topic. Most of our readings will do this, so you can use them to get a sense of what I am looking for.  

Psych of Well-Being- Journal of Happiness Studies

This should be on a topic different from your practice paper.

Topics: Try to examine something that is of interest to you that we have not covered in class.  However, if you want to cover something we did talk about in class, do not simply reiterate what said in class or written in the assigned readings.  If you need ideas, you might explore topics presented in other professors’ positive psychology courses that we have not covered.  Also, Some syllabi are available at:  Internet searches will turn up other syllabi.  Or you might look through Journal of Happiness Studies or Journal of Positive Psychology.  Also, consider the table of contents of books on happiness or positive psychology.  I will post the table for the Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology on Blackboard.  Finally, we can find a time to talk and we can try to identify what you are most interested in. 

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