Proslavery and Antislavery in Antebellum – Politics in a City Divided
This assignment focuses on Proslavery and Antislavery in Antebellum St. Louis. Using the attached document “Politics in a City Divided”, write a brief essay in which you explain why some people in St. Louis wanted to see slavery protected during the 1840s and 1850s.
Proslavery and Antislavery in Antebellum- Politics in a City Divided
You have been assigned to explain the arguments of the Pro-Slavery cause—i.e. those who thought slavery was a beneficial institution and should be allowed to continue to exist or even expand. Using the attached document “Politics in a City Divided”, write a brief essay in which you explain why some people in St. Louis wanted to see slavery protected during the 1840s and 1850s. Why did they think emancipation was unwise, or even impossible? (Note that I am not asking you to actually make arguments in favor of slavery–there are no arguments that can justify owning people.
Proslavery and Antislavery in Antebellum- Politics in a City Divided
Your goal is to explain the arguments people in Missouri in the 1850s made to defend the institution.) Whenever you are reproducing information or ideas from the readings, whether in the form of direct quotes or paraphrased into your own words, you MUST provide a citation. You may use either MLA style in-text citations (Gerteis, 32) or Chicago Manual of Style footnotes. You can cite the documents by using their author’s name and page number. (Lane, 50), for example. You do not need a works cited page. Your paper should be brief—approximately 400-600 words, or no more than two pages, double spaced. It does not need a title, but be sure to put your name and essay #2 at the top of the first page.