The paper deals with |Promoting high quality provision-critique UK legislation and social policies. So, its a reflective essay in which students analyse the complexities of leading practice (drawing on relevant legislation, theory and research) in promoting high quality provision.

 Promoting high quality provision-critique UK legislation and social policies

A reflective essay in which students analyse the complexities of leading practice.  (Drawing on relevant legislation, theory and research) in promoting high quality provision. (60%) 4,000 words. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Describe, analyse and constructively critique UK legislation,UK social policies and research related to partnership between young children (0-6), parents and professionals. 2. Describe, analyse and constructively critique the theory and practice of leadership when supporting teams in promoting high quality provision in an earLy years setting in UK. THIS IS A REFLECTIVE ESSAY AS A EARLY YEARS PRACTITIONER IN AN EARLY YEARS SETTING USING THE LEADERS SUCH AS MANAGERS , TEACHERS AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS THAT DEAL WITH CHILDREN AS EXAMPLES WHILE WRITING THIS ESSAY .

Promoting high quality provision-critique UK legislation and social policies

The United Kingdom is a unitary state in which central government substantially directs most government activity. However, the structure of services in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland differs in certain respects. Each region has both a Secretary of State and administrative department situated in central government, and its own assembly and executive, which take on the role in the region of certain central government ministries. PLEASE ALSO PERSONALISE IT WHERE NECESSARY DURING THE WRITING UP.BESIDES, ALL LEGISLATION AND POLICIES SHOULD BE UK BASED PLEASE . THE SETTING IS ALSO UK BASED , PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE EXAMPLES WHEN WRITING IT PLEASE AS IT IS A REFLECTIVE ESSAY. INCLUDE THE RECOMMENDED REFERENCES IN THE FILES , YOU CAN ADD TO THIS LIST TOO.

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