The assignment focuses on 5e Second paragraph- professional growth opportunities. So, you will complete this reflection following the guidelines of the previous portfolio reflections: Title: Demonstration Lesson. Besides, 5e Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices. First paragraph: explain the meaning of 5e Second paragraph

5e Second paragraph- professional growth opportunities

You will complete this reflection following the guidelines of the previous portfolio reflections: Title: Demonstration Lesson #1 5e Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices First paragraph: explain the meaning of 5e Second paragraph: After completing the first demonstration lesson discussion with your SCF supervisor, you will reflect on the lesson by answering the following questions:

 1)How would you describe your demonstration lesson? Also, Did it go as planned? 2)If you teach this lesson again, what would you do differently? 3)Then, describe the strengths of the lesson. 4)Describe the most challenging experience while teaching the lesson. Also,  how did you address it? 5)Did the students master the lesson objectives? How do you know? Explain 6)In addition, describe the specific accommodations for ESE and ELLs students used during the lesson. Reflection paper: 2-3 page summary of the experience focusing on the questions above. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Career paths and career ladders are two traditional methods by which an employee can develop and progress within an organization. Career ladders are the progression of jobs in an organization’s specific occupational fields ranked from highest to lowest based on level of responsibility and pay.  Also, Career paths encompass varied forms of career progression, including the traditional vertical career ladders, dual career ladders, horizontal career lattices, career progression outside the organization and encore careers.


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