Detailed Instructions


In order to provide a hands-on learning experience, to bring about a deeper understanding of Quality Management Concepts and Process Improvement Tools, and to fulfill the experiential learning components of this course, students are required to research and write up an independent study project during this course. The project should address the organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement a Quality Management System (QMS) improvement problem using data obtained from your own field research, or internet research.

Your Individual Research Paper will count as 25% towards your Final Grade. This Individual Research Paper will be graded based on: Approach to researching and documenting a QMS policy or program (50%,) and Data Analysis and Results (50%.). The final report should be at least Eight to Ten pages long (typed, double spaced, 12 pt. ‘Times Roman’ font, APA Format) and in the following order: 1. Your Quality Management System (QMS) Project Topic. 2. Background of the Manufacturing Firm or Service Organization. 3. Overview of the Need of a Quality Management System at the target firm.

More about the Assignment:

Quality management and process improvement is a topic that should be approached as a strategy of promoting and exceeding the expectations of the customer. Therefore, the discussion is expected to acknowledge the integration of the quality functions and the basic processes in a company that guarantees quality. Another expectation of the discussion is the identification of the tools used to promote continuous improvement including the process mapping, root cause analysis, and the plan to check act cycle. The above aspects help in the comprehension of quality management concepts. The approach to quality management depends on extensive use of data from field or internet research.

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