The assignment focuses on Principle of Vicarious Liability in employment law. You are required to  Provide a comprehensive account of the principle of vicarious liability in UAE Law.

Principle of Vicarious Liability in employment law

Using comparative analysis write an explanatory article on the Principle of Vicarious Liability in employment law in the jurisprudence of UAE and English Common Law (Including DIFC “Dubai International Financial Center” & ADGM “Abu Dhabi Global Market”). a. Provide a comprehensive account of the principle of vicarious liability in UAE Law. b. Provide a comprehensive account of the principle of vicarious liability under common law (including DIFC & ADGM laws). c. Compare both UAE and Common law jurisprudence on vicarious liability in employment law. Instructions: 1. The assignment format must be in ‘Times New Roman font’, size 12, with at least 1.5 line spacing. 2. The legal referencing style should be ‘footnote’ based on Oscola style. 3. The word limit must be up to a minimum of 4000 words. 4. The assignment must satisfy the following criteria:

Principle of Vicarious Liability in employment law

Almost all businesses use some sort of employment law. Employment law is the area of law that governs the employer-employee relationship. Therefore, if the business has more than one employee, then the business likely uses employment law. This area is made up of both state and federal laws and includes many different subjects with the common goal to protect workers’ rights. For employees, these laws work to:, firstly, prevent discrimination, Secondly, promote health and safety, thirdly, establish a minimum required level for economic support, fourthly, prevent work disruption due to disputes between labor and management.

Principle of Vicarious Liability in employment law

Usually, the key is simply recognizing when employment law is an issue. This can be difficult because the subject is truly vast. Employment law includes such things as: Firstly,worker’s compensation, secondly, employment discrimination, thirdly, labor relations, fourthly, fifthly, family and medical leave, sixth Immigration, Seventh, Employee benefits, Social Security, Wrongful termination, Occupational safety and health, ERISA, finally, minimum wage.

Detailed Instructions


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