Question 1
a) Define a precedence relation by which two events that occur
during a distributed computation may be ordered. [6 marks]
b) Describe the wave algorithm for trees. Indicate the diffusion
part of the algorithm. [10 marks]
c) Suppose that four processes, namely p, q, r, and s, form a
tree with p as the root and execute the wave algorithm. The
figure below depicts the tree. At some time, say, T during an
execution of the algorithm, the only message that is in transit
in the entire system is the token sent by p to r. (The figure
also portrays this situation at time T.)
token message
i) Assume that no process has decided at time T. Describe
an execution that could have taken place until time T
and, ignoring the diffusion part of the algorithm, show
how the execution continues until two processes decide.
[14 marks]
ii) Investigate whether any process could have decided
before time T, given that the token from p to r is the only
message in transit at time T. Ignore the diffusion part in
your investigation. [14 marks]
Hint: A possible line of investigation is to consider that the
token from p to r takes a long transmission time, much
longer than the time the token from r may take to reach p.

d) Your colleague, Mr Paul Errorprone, claims that processes p
and q decide in his answer to part i) of c). Explain to Paul
that his answer cannot be correct. [6 marks]

Question 2
a) What are the assumptions normally made on the Trusted
Third Party (TTP) of a fair-exchange protocol? How are the
fair-exchange protocols classified based on the manner they
use the TTP? [10 marks]
b) Presented below are the five steps of a protocol P which a
player A uses to send a digital item M to another player B
and to obtain a non-repudiation of receipt (NRR) from B.
Show that P cannot be fair and fix all its flaws so that P
becomes fair. [18 marks]
A → TTP: (A, B);
(* A informs TTP of its fair-exchange partner*)
TTP → A: (A, B, TTP, K, EOO);
A → B: MA = {eK(M), SigA(H(eK(M))};
B → TTP: SigB(H(MA));
TTP → B: (A, B, TTP, K, EOO);
TTP → A: SigB(H(MA));
Notations used bear their conventional meaning:
• SigA(Φ) is the unique and verifiable signature of A for
message Φ;
• eK(Φ) is the encryption of Φ with key K;
• H is a one-way and collision-resistant hash function;
• EOO (Evidence Of Origin) is SigTTP(A, B, TTP, K).
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c) Consider a transaction involving objects hosted in two
servers, S1 and S2. At the end of the transaction, two-phase
commit protocol is executed with the client C acting as the
coordinator. Suppose that C crashes before it completes its
execution of the protocol and that S1 and S2 do not crash.
i) Describe an execution in which S2 decides on commit
and S1 remains blocked (i.e., remains undecided) until
C recovers from its crash. [8 marks]
ii) Describe an execution in which S2 decides without
entering the second phase and S1 remains blocked until
C recovers from its crash. [6 marks]
d) It was discussed in the lectures that an execution of the twophase commit protocol is guaranteed to terminate only if
there exists a moment when all crashed nodes have
recovered and nodes do not crash thereafter. Justify this
termination requirement by producing an execution in which
the coordinator and one server never stop crashing, i.e.,
keep crashing after each recovery, and the server never
decides. [8 marks]

