The assignment focuses on Post War Japanese-Dr Akagi Film. So, explain the relationship of the wartime state/military and the civilian population/ civil society.
Post War Japanese-Dr Akagi Film
Prompt: What is the relationship of the wartime state/military and the civilian population/ civil society? Is it the case that they are entirely separate? How do they interact, and how does that interaction relate to the postwar argument that “militarists” alone were responsible for atrocity and violence? You are to answer the prompt on the basis of the Japanese film “Dr Akagi” and the supplementary reading article I have uploaded on the bottom, with precise citations to texts/film to substantiate your point. Better arguments will make a complete response to the question and will ground their interpretation in a close reading of the materials and their specifics. Also,Please read the article I’ve uploaded, especially the highlighted areas.
Post War Japanese-Dr Akagi Film
Use those as examples and quotes in the paper to help your argument. I need at least 7 quotes. I’ve uploaded a word doc with a couple links giving you a summary of what the movie is about for your knowledge. The word doc also includes specific scenes with descriptions from the movie that answers the prompt and must be used. Reading these discriptions will give you the idea on how to answer the questions in the prompt. Feel free to choose whichever details works but re word and re phrase them all. Lastly I will also upload a sample paper of this prompt being answered.
It is exactly the format and way I need you to write the paper. From the intro to the detailed movie example to how they tie in the article to substaniate their point. Use this paper as your guide and try to mimic it in a similar fasion while staying a little original. The paper will be turned in to turnit in thats why the info needs to be re phrased or re worded.
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