Essay should be comparative and rely on examples from at least three different countries.

What should we do, if anything, about populism today? Assess the different ways of addressing populism that are considered in the literature from both a normative and an empirical standpoint.

Essay should be comparative and rely on examples from at least three different countries.

More about this assignment:

The essay will focus on how populism is understood in various countries preferably in the developed world, developing countries, and those in economic transition. The essay will include a discussion of how the three countries comprehend populism and handle tasks related to political science. In addition, the discussion will entail various ways of addressing populism based on the three countries under investigation. It is also imperative to consider the input from literature to help in closing any existing gaps that may exist while discussing political science topic. The literature should include both from a normative as well as from the empirical standpoint respectively…

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