This assignment focuses on Social Psychology Film. On the other hand, it touches on  Popular Media Application Analysis. Any topic discussed in our readings is fair game, but the concept needs to be clearly depicted in the source you chose.

Social Psychology Film – Popular Media Application Analysis

Locate a film or book (popular fiction, not a psychology text or instructional/academic film) that illustrates one of the concepts we’re discussing this semester. For example, the film/book might depict situations that are relevant to the concepts of obedience, conformity, altruism, persuasion techniques, groupthink, interpersonal attraction, etc.  Any topic discussed in our readings is fair game, but the concept needs to be clearly depicted in the source you chose. For the purposes of this assignment, films/books that actually depict any of the classic experiments. We’re discussing this semester.  (e.g., the recent film titled “Stanford Prison Experiment”) are explicitly not allowed.

Social Psychology Film – Popular Media Application Analysis

Work to “stretch” and use your critical thinking skills to determine whether your source is clearly related to a social psychology concept or not.  After viewing the film or reading the book. So, please use any of the following formats to report your observations. Such as Power Point slides, narrated slideshow, or video diary (e.g., “vlog”). This assignment is not intended for this to be a formal writing assignment. Rather, the intent is to see you make connections between your readings and “real-life” situations.  As depicted in popular media sources and to express your thoughts succinctly and coherently. Be creative, but be sure that the reader/viewer is able to clearly discern that you can critique the film/book.  In a scholarly way as related to course material.  (e.g., don’t just give a “book report” in which you describe the plot of the movie/book).

Detailed Instructions


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