So,the paper focuses on Political mobilizations examination- restructuring state power. How can anthropologists understand power by examining political mobilizations, such as everyday resistance, dramas of protest, social movements, or national parties? Also,Compare and contrast how at authors have studied political mobilization.
Political mobilizations examination- restructuring state power
Question 1
How can anthropologists understand power by examining political mobilizations, such as everyday resistance, dramas of protest, social movements, or national parties? Also,Compare and contrast how at authors have studied political mobilization.Political mobilisation is a process by which a group goes from being a passive collection of individuals to an active participant in public life. So,Such groups may be based ob caste, class, religion , ethnicity or nationality , gender , specific issues like nuclear disarmament. A group may also, arise questioning the legitimacy of the existing regime.
Articles is.
Firstly, Bourdieu, Pierre. 1994. “Structures, Habitus, Power: Basis for a Theory of Symbolic Power.” I Dirks, N.B., G.Eley, S.B. Ortner (eds.). Also,Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Thought. Also,Princeton: Princeton University Press, s. 155-199. file:///D:/SANT%20105/Structures,%20Habitus,%20Power%20-%20Bourdieu%20-%201994.pdf
Secondly,fo ucault, Michel. 1976. “Disciplinary Power and Subjection.” Steven Lukes (red.), Power.
Thirdly,Oxford: Basil Blackwell, s. 229-249. file:///D:/SANT%20105/Disciplinary%20Power%20and%20Subjection%20-%20Foucault%20-%201995.pdf
3. Lastly,use Scott, James. 1989. “Everyday forms of resistance.” In Colburn, Forrest D. (ed.) Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. s. 3-33. Also,file:///C:/Users/dm_19/OneDrive/Documents/SANT105/Scott,%20James.%201989.%20“Everyday%20forms%20of%20resistance.”%20In%20Colburn,%20Forrest%20D.%20(ed.)%20Everyday.pdf
Political mobilizations examination- restructuring state power
Question 2
In addition, What is the role of violence in reproducing and/or restructuring state power? The dynamics of change in the Arab world today are part of a much larger global process–the neo-liberal phase of globalisation That, started in the 1980s and engendered a process of state er restructuring, both for peripheral “weak” states and core industrialized countries.
Firstly, use Weber, Max. 2007. “The Types of Legitimate Domination [1914].” In Calhoun, C., J.,Gerteis, J., Moody, S. Pfaff, and I. Virk (eds.) Classical Sociological Theory. Oxford: Blackwell,s. 256-263.
2. fINALLY, Taussig, Michael T. 1987. Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man: Also A Study in Terror and Healing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 3-36. file:///D:/SANT%20105/Taussig,%201987,%20s.%203-36.pdf
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