Interpretation of Physical and Chemical Data.

This is a research-based lab. This means that you conduct research online or using the library to identify the unknown compound or missing values from the given information, and then produce a lab report. 

The lab report should describe how you arrived at your conclusions. Therefore, this lab report may look as follows:

Title: Title of this experiment – There should only be one title for the experiment (“Interpretation of Physical and Chemical Data”).

Method: In this section, you explain the given physical or chemical data for each question (you may number them according to the question number), the instruments used, and their purpose. If the same instrument has been used twice, you need to explain that instrument only once. Then, explain the method you would follow to answer each question.

Analysis: In this section, you show your analysis of the given information for each question.

Results: In this section, you will show your results for each question.

Discussion: In this section, you may discuss the rationale for your solution and what other information would have made your findings easier.

Conclusion: In this section, you detail your results and explain with what percentage of certainty you could confirm your results.

Remember to add any relevant references following the APA format.


Interpretation of Physical and Chemical Data.