Write about A Personal Financial Plan: Read Through New Content. Provide your thoughts, your ideas, your goals, and your content written out. Furthermore, You may incorporate some graphs, tables, and calculations to show how you plan to carry out your financial plan.
A Personal Financial Plan: Read Through New Content
The second part is should be at least 5 pages long (double-space, 12-point font, 1-inch margins). It will include concepts from Chapters 1-8 only. A 5-page minimum is required for Part 1 of your case, and another 5-page minimum is require for Part 2 of your case. It shows me you’ve put effort into your plan and have not just stayed up overnight to complete it. If you have been setting aside time each week to work on it as you read through new content, it should not be overwhelming. A Personal Financial Plan:
Remember, a minimum means you are always free to write more than the 5 pages mentioned. Please keep in mind that “quoted” text from other sources does not contribute to your overall page-writing minimum. I want , but these should be proportional to the amount of writing and explanations I want to see from you. You can also include some of these tables, graphs, and pictures as appendices to your plan. If you submit only 4 pages for Part 1 of your Personal Financial Plan, I will deduct 5 points right off the top. A Personal Financial Plan:
If you submit only 3 pages for Part 1 of your case, I will deduct 10 points right off the top. If you turn in anything less than 3 pages, I will not grade your assignment and you will receive a 0 for it. The same rules apply for Part 2 of your Personal Financial Plan. I also don’t want to see only 10 pages of excel spreadsheets by the time you are through. I’m looking for written explanations of what you’re presenting.
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