The paper talks about Theory, Philosophy and Perspectives-performance of HRD. So, the paper comprehend the issues and trends influencing the profession and practice of HRD and leadership development.

Theory, Philosophy and Perspectives-performance of HRD

 This module is designed to help you understand core theories, philosophy, paradigms, and perspectives (learning vs. performance) of HRD. In doing so, you will comprehend the issues and trends influencing the profession and practice of HRD and leadership development. Also,With the scholarly research prospectus and annotated bibliography assignments, you will have opportunities to analyze in-depth an aspect of one of the domains of HRD practice. Upon the completion of this module, you will be able to:

Describe the role and purpose of theory, philosophy, and ALSO, paradigm
Discuss the core theories of HRD as well as, how each theory contributes to conceptualizing HRD

Theory, Philosophy and Perspectives-performance of HRD

Additionally,compare the dominant paradigms in HRD thinking and practice 

Must-to-do learning activities this week: 

 Read Chapter 4, 5, and 6 of the textbook

Also,search the following article Read:

Firstly read- Lynham, S. A. (2002). The general method of theory-building research in applied disciplines. Advances in developing human resources, 4(3), 221-241.

Secondly use- Kuchinke, K. P. (1998). Moving beyond the dualism of performance versus learning: A response to Barrie and Pace. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 9(4), 377-384.

Thirdly, Yawson, R. M. (2013). Systems theory and thinking as a foundational theory in human resource development—A myth or reality?. Human Resource Development Review, 12(1), 53-85.

Finally, Storberg, J. (2002). The evolution of capital theory: A critique of a theory of social capital and implications for HRD. Human Resource Development Review, 1(4), 468-499.


Also,complete the ‘Week 2 Reflection Report’ Complete ‘Bi-weekly Discussion .Reflection report should consist of two sections: Firstly, what interests you the most (key learning points), and Secondly, why? I underlined ‘why’ because it should reflect your own, unique experiences and perspectives. In addition,in each learning point, please make sure to identify which assigned article/book chapter you indicate using APA formatting 

Detailed Instructions


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