The paper focuses on Guiding principles peer coaching tool-Core Values.Open the .pdf file called guiding principles peer coaching tool: guiding_principles_coaching_tool.pdf 2. Fill out the form (you do not need to submit this form).
Guiding principles peer coaching tool-Core Values
One of the keys to standing strong ethically is to know your core values. When push comes to shove, you’ll either stand by your values, or you’ll sacrifice them. The hope is that this activity will give you a chance to reflect and hone in on the principles/values that you live by and stand by. 1. Open the .pdf file called guiding principles peer coaching tool: guiding_principles_coaching_tool.pdf 2. Fill out the form (you do not need to submit this form). 3. Write a reflection paper (1.5 spacing) on your experience. Tell about your guiding principles, and what you discovered by asking others what they thought your guiding principles were.
Guiding principles peer coaching tool-Core Values
Personal relationships on the job also influence personal relationships off the job. Interacting harmoniously with coworkers can put one in a better mood for dealing with family and friends after hours. Crossing swords with employees and customers during working hours can make it difficult for you to feel comfortable and relaxed with people off the job. This activity is very open in terms of what you choose to write about. For some, this will allow you to express creativity. For others, you may be stepping out of your comfort zone without the structure that you’re used to. Give it your best effort, and strive to learn about yourself and your core values! Please submit to this drop box (to the right it says submit assignment) by either typing responses into the text entry box or attaching a file (.doc or .docx) or .PDF.
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