The assignment focuses on Website of Patti Hathaway- products and services offered. You are required to establish if an outside consultant such as Patti really incite and implement change in an organization.

Website of Patti Hathaway- products and services offered

Patti Hathaway  “Change Agents.” Go to the website of Patti Hathaway, ” the change agent” at is a commercial website that introduces Patti Hathaway as a motivational speaker who can (for a free) come to a company and help make change work. What exactly does Ms. Hathaway do to accomplish this? What are her qualifications? What are some products and services she offers? Can an outside consultant such as Patti really incite and implement change in an organization? Why or why not?

Website of Patti Hathaway- products and services offered

How To Become A Motivational Speaker. For those of you who would like to break into professional public speaking, start by following these 4 rules.

1) Start Where You Are. Start when you are. We say fish where the fish are. If there are people in your area that are interested in hearing what you have to say, then start with them. I started in America and Canada and eventually branched out into Europe and the rest of the world. 2) Pick A Subject That You Want People To Know About

Pick something that you think is important to you. You must really care about the subject and speak from the heart. Think through the subjects that have had an inordinate impact on you. These are subjects that you would like to share with others because you really, intensely feel that others could benefit from your knowledge. 3) Offer Free Speeches Or Small Workshops Start offering speeches on your expertise to people within your circle. Offer them at no charge. There was a basic rule, many years ago that said,

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