This assignment entails Patterns of Colonial Social Structure. Also, touches on Colonial Administration and Politic.Therefore,students should not use external resources to complete this assignment.

Patterns of Colonial Social Structure-Colonial Administration and Politics

Patterns of Colonial Social Structure/Colonial Administration and Politics. Reflection Paper #1: Students will complete a 2-3 page (500 words) paper on a topic interesting to them from chapters 3-4. Students should discuss briefly what the topic is to give a background, but he or she should spend most of their paper reflecting and sharing their thoughts on how the specific topic is important to the current world.

Patterns of Colonial Social Structure-Colonial Administration and Politics

Keep in mind the following ideas while completing the paper: What specifically today is a result of this? Are there   organizations, laws, etc. that are still in effect today due to this? Where would America be or how would America look if this had or had not taken place?

Students should not use external resources to complete this assignment. So, If student should consult an external for explaining the background to the topic, he or she should cite the source(s) used. Please use size 12, Times New Roman font. So, Please correctly cite APA Format Below is the book. Besides, don’t know how to download copy. Degler, Carl N. (2011), Introduction to American History, Volume 1 to 1877. 9th edition, BVT Publishing.

Detailed Instructions


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