The assignment talks about Pathogensis of Atrial fibrillation. Additionally, there is a description of Mental impairments and Disabilities. So, provide a brief justification for the use of each intervention

Pathogensis of Atrial fibrillation – Mental impairments and Disabilities

Description. Firstly, you to write the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation, Hypercholesterolemia, and Hypertension. Secondly, for each topic I want: Firstly, description of the condition (the pathophysiology). Secondly, possible causes incidence. Thirdly, physical and/or physical and/or mental impairments and disabilities related to the condition • Details should be given on medical and exercise interventions • Provide a brief justification for the use of each intervention For this part: 3 pages divide it over atrial fibrillation and hypertension, and 1 page Hypercholesterolemia.

Pathogensis of Atrial fibrillation – Mental impairments and Disabilities

For the discussion discuss the potential/real beneficial effects of exercise intervention for each one atrial fibrillation, Hypercholesterolemia, and Hypertension:  Which system (i.e. sensory, motor, cardiovascular, etc.) is improved after the intervention? • What the possible physiological mechanisms behind the changes observed? • Are there scientific evidences to support the use of the chosen intervention? Does the intervention affect the patient’s quality of life or performance in activities of daily living? For this part: divide it over 4 pages because for atrial fibrillation and Hypertension exercise intervention might be the same. Pathogensis of Atrial fibrillation, Hypertension, and Hypercholesterolaemia.

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