Detailed Instructions


For this assignment, you have read Chapters 1-12 in your textbook and reflected on parents as partners in education.

Now reflect on what you have learned about families and schools working together. Your textbook describes the movement toward engaging families and communities as partners in education. You have been named principal of an early childhood school or director of early childhood programming in a school district. One of the biggest issues that you face as a new administrator is that the parents and community have not had an active role in the school and have actually been made to feel less than welcome. The parents of students with disabilities and English language learners are even less active than others. You were selected as the next leader in this setting because you discussed the importance of parents and community in your interview. Using the content of your reading, create a parent involvement plan with the following:

• Compose a yearlong plan with activities to involve parents of all students in your school or center.

More about this task:

 The reflection of this assignment should entail an illustration of comprehension of the book Berger, E. H. (2011). Parents as partners in education: Families and schools working together. However, this should not be mistaken for a summary of the book’s themes. The discussion should link the contents of Berger, E. H. (2011). Parents as partners in education: Families and schools working together to actions that should be considered when exploring the strategies to help the students with disabilities and the English Language Learners to be active just as in the case observed with other students. The parent involvement plan required in this assignment should encompass activities that families and schools are comfortable with as a way of ensuring the success of the proposed parent involvement plan…

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