Pain and society
Paper details:
Pain & Society
Online Poster Presentation Assignment (75% of total module score)

Structure, overview, and challenges of the most impressive, evidence-based pain management interaction/approach you have come across.

The poster should be designed and presented as a professional-standard outline poster suitable for release on any CCG website or congress.

In general, the idea of a poster is to interest scientific “passers-by”in the work you are presenting. In this sense it is somewhat akin to an advertisement-it has to capture your attention and interest (but without sacrificing its focus on science) in a short space of time.
Key points: In your poster, please consider highlighting the following:
– Intervention approaches (if applicable).
– Qualitative impact on the patients.
Quantitate of assessment to include key references and studies that validating this approach.
– Your own reflection on this experience. – Clarify if this approach is included in any local or national guidelines (such as NICE)
– Any promising research or recommendation you think will improve this particular intervention or approach in the future.