This assignment focuses on Overcrowding in prison system. There is as well a description of  Government’s war on drugs. So, keep in mind that any suggestions you offer need to be viable and keep the community safe as well as the well being of the inmate.

Overcrowding in prison system – Government’s war on drugs

Introduction One of the major issues facing the correctional system here in the United States is the issue of overcrowding. So, many of our prisons are filled to capacity and beyond. Cells that were created for one or two inmates now house four. Also, this has drawn the attention of many who are trying to make changes to correct the problem. Some blame the problem on the government’s war on drugs started by the Nixon Administration.  Some blame it on policies like the 3 strikes laws where people may commit a minor offense but because of their past they are treated more harshly.

Overcrowding in prison system – Government’s war on drugs

Some blame this on the sentencing guidelines passed down to try and offer a standard for sentences based on the offense. Activity Instructions Research the issue of overcrowding in our prison system.  Discuss what you believe is the main cause of the problem and then offer your solution as to how this can be corrected. Keep in mind that any suggestions you offer need to be viable and keep the community safe.  As well as the well being of the inmate.

Detailed Instructions


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