Organizational Analysis Paper

Students will each prepare an individual paper based on the material discussed in the course. Students will analyze a challenge they observed at their current field placement.

This assignment is in two parts.

Students will analyze an organization by describing what they see, know and have learned about their field agency, and to identify one or more current challenges facing the organization that lead to role ambiguity and conflict for employees or that impedes social workers’ ability to meet the needs of their clients. Examples include but are not limited to funding cuts, an unmotivated workforce, an uninspired leader, employees not committed to the organization, communication difficulties, or a dysfunctional interdisciplinary team.

Part 1 should include the following:

Identify the organizational mission.

Describe the organization’s service programs (one page max).

Organizational governance structure – for instance, if it is private, describe its Board of Directors

Staffing pattern – number of staff, various disciplines. Who reports to who?  You may include an organizational chart if desired.

Does the organization support or deter interdisciplinary collaboration among disciples? Explain

Identify the organization’s use of volunteers – does the organization use volunteers? If so, describe. If not, how come?

Organization’s relationship to the community – through advisory boards, membership in service clubs (chambers of commerce, rotary clubs etc.)

Organization’s relationship to other organizations – does it belong to coalitions, professional groups? Does it have any joint projects with other agencies?

Organization’s budget for the current year – its size and what percentage is from government and what percent is not from government (i.e., from fees, fundraising, United Way etc.)

Part 2:  Students will imagine they are in the role of consultant, and propose a viable organizational change to benefit their field placement agency and/or client population by applying information from class and scholarly readings.

Review of the Related Literature

What does the literature say about your topic? How does the literature explain the conflict?

What have others done to understand and resolve this type of problem? What alternatives have been used to address the conflict?

What alternatives have been shown to be effective?

What are the advantages of using one approach over another? What are the disadvantages?

How does the literature apply to YOUR ORGANIZATION SPECIFICALLY? (Apply what you read to your agency)

What is the history of this problem at your agency? List and explain the primary factors of the situation. Please explain these principles in your own words with examples of how the situation exists within the organization you have selected. Remember, use literature to support the points you raise

Who are the primary stakeholders? Who is affected by this problem? (e.g., clients, staff, the community).

What are the costs of this conflict/challenge? (e.g. time/money/goal attainment?)

What are the objectives or desired outcomes for resolving this conflict/challenge for the organization?

Based on your literature review and your understanding of your organization, What VIABLE plan do you propose to address this problem?

Be specific in proposing a viable solution to address the identified problem. Present information on the who, the what, the where, the when, and the how.

Note: The best papers are written in a well-structured and carefully focused manner. At a minimum, the paper will use correct spelling and grammar, have a clear beginning, middle and end, and use easy to understand transitions. Any statements of facts or material used for this paper must be APA referenced!!  You must cite directly quoted or paraphrased material.

You are required to use the textbook and at least 5 peer reviewed references for this paper but you are encouraged to include more if applicable. Please do not use Wikipedia as a source for your paper since the material this is not peer-reviewed. This also applies to traditional web pages.