The assignment focuses on “Tribe” by Sebastien Junger-On Homecoming and Belonging. Additionally, the assignment concentrates on multiple sources in order to generate new information or to support a new perspective.
“Tribe” by Sebastien Junger-On Homecoming and Belonging
The Book “Tribe” by Sebastien Junger. Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging, Sebastian Junger. To synthesize means to bring together material from multiple sources in order to generate new information. or to support a new perspective. In his 34-page chapter, “The Men and the Dogs,” Sebastian Junger synthesizes information from 60 different sources. For instance, he creates his original argument.Firstly, what are his methods of synthesis and are they effective? Guidelines: 3-4 pages (not including cover page and reference page), APA formatted and cited.
“Tribe” by Sebastien Junger-On Homecoming and Belonging
No abstract required. Most importantly, check on firstly the Title page. This includes Running head, title of paper, author and affiliation. Secondly, 1 inch margins on all sides • Times New Roman, 12-point font • Double-spaced • Indented paragraphs. Thirdly check on Left align all text (with exception of headings, if using). Fourthly, page numbers on upper right-hand corner of the header. Fifthly, Introduction serves to frame argument. Introduction ends with a thesis statement that fully responds to the prompt • Body paragraphs are structured logically and contain evidence • Conclusion included • Reference page included.” From the author of THE PERFECT STORM and WAR comes a book about why men miss war, why Londoners missed the Blitz, and what we can all learn from American Indian captives who refused to go home. Tribe is a look at post-traumatic stress disorder and the challenges veterans face returning to society. Using his background in anthropology, Sebastian Junger argues that the problem lies not with vets or with the trauma they’ve suffered, but with the society to which they are trying to return
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