The assignment focuses on Nursing the Surgical patient.On the other hand, there is an analyses of nursing practice. Augment skills in clinical decision making and reasoning through synthesising and analysing information required to care for a surgical patient.
Nursing the Surgical patient-analyses of nursing practice
1. Demonstrate the use of research evidence for nursing practice applied to the care of a surgical patient
2. Augment skills in clinical decision making and reasoning through synthesising and analysing information required to care for a surgical patient
3. Apply appropriate assessment, problem solving, planning, prioritising of interventions to care for the selected client scenario chosen
4. Demonstrate the nurse’s role in monitoring and implementing prioritised nursing interventions in response identified patient needs
5. Lastly, Demonstrate the ability to communicate specific patient care issues succinctly according to scholarly writing and referencing conventions
Standard 1: Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice.
RNs use a variety of thinking strategies and the best available evidence in making decisions and providing safe, quality nursing practice within person-centred and evidence-based frameworks.
Nursing the Surgical patient-analyses of nursing practice
Standard 4: Comprehensively conducts assessments. So, RNs accurately conduct comprehensive and systematic assessments. Additionally, they analyse information and data and communicate outcomes as the basis for practice.
Standard 6: Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice.
RNs provide and may delegate, quality and ethical goal directed actions.Besides,these are based on comprehensive and systematic assessment.Also,the best available evidence to achieve planned and agreed outcomes.
Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to inform nursing practice.
RNs take responsibility for the evaluation of practice based on agreed priorities, goals, plans and outcomes and revises practice accordingly
Use the following points in your assignment. In addition, penalties will apply if these conventions are not adhered to.
You are expected to present your assignment in a scholarly fashion i.e. academic writing conventions in essay format
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