The assignment focuses on Nursing leaders’ Emotional Intelligence – Patient Safety Relationship. So, the chapter focuses on the discussion of the findings in relation to each research hypothesis and places them in the context of the literatures with justification.

Nursing leaders’ Emotional Intelligence – Patient Safety Relationship

The Relationship between nursing leaders’ Emotional Intelligence and Patient Safety in accredited and non-accredited hospital at Qassem Region.

The chapter focuses on the discussion of the findings in relation to each research hypothesis and places them in the context of the literatures with justification. This chapter also discusses published researches and other articles similar to the concept or field of the study as they either support or contradict to the findings. Start with short introduction then end it with summary Purpose of the Study. So,  the aim of the present study is to explore the relationship between leaders’ emotional intelligence and patient safety in accredited and non-accredited hospitals at AL Qassem Region.

Nursing leaders’ Emotional Intelligence – Patient Safety Relationship

This aim will be achieved through the following objectives: a. To determine level of emotional intelligence. Among nurse leaders working in accredited and non-accredited hospital at AL Qassem Region.b. To determine level of patient safety culture.  Among nurse leaders working in accredited and non-accredited hospital at AL Qassem Region. c. Also,to identify the association between the emotional intelligence and the patient safety. Also,among nurse leaders working in hospital at AL Qassem Region. 1.3. Research / Hypothesis Hypothesis 1[ The level of leaders’ EI in accredited hospital is higher than non-accredited hospital at AL Qassem Region. Hypothesis 2: The level of patient safety in accredited hospital is higher than non-accredited hospital at AL Qassem Region. Hypothesis

3: There is a positive correlation between levels of EI leadership and patient safety in hospital at AL Qassem Region. Hypothesis 4: Nurse leaders’ sociodemographic characteristics will predict their EI.

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